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Convertible Note 2021
The Future of Vaping

Product Video


  • Launched April 2019

  • Revenue 2019: $97.5M

  • Revenue 2020: $180M

  • Projected Revenue 2021: $530M

  • Gross Margin: 40% up to 67%

  • only vaping with its own R&D

  • 1 of the 2 only Tobacco Licenses

Co-Invested with:

ZhenFund logo.png
TIGER - logo.png


The Opportunity

1) SnowPlus has invited VERSO Capital to join their new convertible note. Our Board Advisor, Andrew Stewart is an existing investor and a close advisor to the

2) SnowPlus is raising a convertible note at a $2bn cap or 20% discount to the next equity round

3) The note is currently 2-3x oversubscribed and the original $60m target raise will most likely be increased in early March 2021

4) The pre-IPO round will occur in 3Q21 or 4Q21 at a minimum of $6bn valuation.

5) We have already began conversations with will-be lead investors for the pre-IPO round

6) IPO target is 2H 22’, valuation is currently targeting $15bn+ (public comp RLX, using their 30x fwd p/s). Already speaking to two potential lead underwriters.


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